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Logan John Locke. Dalton Xavier. You're more likely to catch a sexually transmitted infection if you're living in a major city, although one of the country's smallest regions takes out the title of chlamydia capital, new figures show. Auckland tops the country for the number of syphilis cases recorded and the gonorrhoea rate for the year to the end of March, according to new figures released by the Institute of Environmental Science and Research ESR.

In Auckland, cases of syphilis were reported during the year to March, far above the second highest ranking region which was Canterbury with 60 cases followed by Wellington on The larger populations in the main cities would largely explain the higher numbers, ESR confirmed. But, the trends reflected in the those regions were consistent with the national trend which found the disease was far more common in European men aged between 20 and 39 who had sex with other men.

In Auckland, men were reported to have the disease compared to 34 women. Across the country, the number of reported cases of syphilis had increased steadily since Auckland's rate of gonorrhoea was also worst in the country, with cases reported per , people. Nationally the rates had increased significantly since but was largely driven by the cases reported in Auckland where male rates were far above the national average. In Auckland and nationally, gonorrhoea was most common in men who had sex with other men.

It was also more common in Maori and Pacific Islanders. The small district of Tairawhiti, however, claimed the title of chlamydia capital of the country with a rate of cases per , people. Chlamydia is not classified as a notifiable disease but is the most commonly reported STI in New Zealand although the rates have remained stable since Unlike syphilis and gonorrhoea, it was more widely reported by females although that was probably due to lower rates of testing in men, ESR public health physician Jill Sherwood said.

It was most common in women aged 15 to 29 with the highest rates amongst Maori and Pacific Islanders.

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Dr Peter Saxton, research fellow with Auckland University's School of Population Health, said that while rising syphilis rate had been a problem for some years, it was a concern to see gonorrhoea rates rise 50 per cent in two years.